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  Product Price Quantity Total  
Venus HC2000 Heat Convector Fan Room Heater Venus HC2000 Heat Convector Fan Room Heater
In stock

In stock
2,414.41 (ex. tax)
Usha Instafresh Cooling Cabinet Water Dispenser Usha Instafresh Cooling Cabinet Water Dispenser White
In stock

In stock
8,792.37 (ex. tax)
V-Guard Zio Instant Geyser 5 Litre with Advanced 4 Layer Safety V-Guard Zio Instant Geyser 5 Litre with Advanced 4 Layer Safety
In stock

In stock
3,600.85 (ex. tax)
Tuning Fork Combo 128Hz, 256Hz, 512Hz Stainless Steel Tuning Fork Combo 128Hz, 256Hz, 512Hz Stainless Steel for Medical Students & Doctors
In stock

In stock
535.71 (ex. tax)
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Cart totals

Subtotal 15,343.34 (ex. tax)
SGST 9% 1,332.69
CGST 9% 1,332.69
SGST 6% 32.14
CGST 6% 32.14
Total 18,073.00
You Saved3,727.00

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